Counseling for Women

Do you feel called to do something greater with your life? As you look back on your past decisions, are you sad about missed opportunities or perhaps worried about the future? Perhaps you’re feeling dissatisfied, depressed, or hopeless about your life, even if you don’t understand why.

Are you at a crossroads? Maybe you are facing a difficult choice, such as whether or not to continue a relationship. If so, do you lack the inner clarity or self-confidence needed to make that decision? Maybe you’ve stopped trusting yourself, feeling like you’ve made “bad” decisions in the past. This self-doubt may be taking a serious toll on your well-being, leaving you feeling lost, sad, and discouraged. 

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Do you feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself? If you’re a parent or caretaker, your responsibilities may make it difficult to find time for yourself, causing you to feel frustrated. Or perhaps you find yourself stuck in an unfulfilling job. If you haven’t been able to pursue your dreams, you may even feel guilty or ashamed for not having tried harder or for not having been more successful.

The recognition that you’re not where you want to be in life can be disheartening, but it’s also an opportunity to change things for the better. When you set aside the time to focus inward, you can build your self-confidence, learn to trust yourself, and get greater clarity on who you are and what you want out of life.

It’s Easy To Lose Track Of Yourself

Everyone experiences a lack of clarity at some point in their lives. We live in a time and place where the information to pursue anything is readily available, and this is unprecedented. While the huge variety of options available to us is wonderful, choosing among them can be stressful and, ultimately, paralyzing.

For many women, this indecision is exacerbated by a habitual distrust of their own abilities and a feeling of inadequacy. The cultural pressure to appear that they have everything together causes many women to struggle with “imposter syndrome,” a feeling of being a fraud in their own lives (and a fearful of being “discovered”). An estimated 70 percent of people will experience an episode of impostor syndrome at least once.

In addition, many women spend so much time taking care of others and meeting others’ expectations that they fail to consider what they want for themselves. The overwhelming demands of jobs, raising children, and maintaining other relationships can make self-care seem out of reach.


All of this can lead to the deterioration of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. You may be able to muddle through on your own, but many women find that a little outside support and the opportunity to find your own center can make all the difference.

Therapy For Women

Other people’s pre-established notions about who you are and who they would like you to become can limit your personal development, but the unbiased support of a professional therapist can help you overcome these limitations. If you’re looking for a compassionate, understanding person to help you sort through your concerns, an experienced female therapist like myself may be exactly what you need.

I offer women’s counseling services that allow you to dedicate time and mental space to the issues that matter to you. Giving voice to your innermost needs and desires in a nonjudgmental environment is a powerful force for owning your own truth and giving yourself the freedom, space, and clarity you need to grow.

If you’ve been feeling unsure of yourself, I can support you in tapping into your intuitive nature to help you make decisions. I’ll encourage you to get curious about how your intuition manifests for you (such as through sudden thoughts or bodily sensations). At first, you may not trust these insights or may even be overwhelmed by them. Over time, though, as we test and cross-validate these insights, you may come to view your intuition as a strength and a valuable resource.

Perhaps even more importantly, I’ll help you build a better relationship with yourself and come into greater internal alignment with every situation you encounter so that regardless of what action you take—or the outcome of that action—you’ll know that you’re moving in the right direction.

I customize my approach for every client. If traditional therapeutic and evidence-based methods such as internal family systems therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and positive psychology suit you best, we will focus on those. If you’re interested in meditation, energy work, or other spiritual exploration, we can incorporate those as well.

Women’s counseling will help you to become more grounded, have greater clarity, and find the freedom to seek out the things that enrich your life. As we clear out the mental clutter that has kept you stuck in your current situation, we’ll free up the space to discover new choices, creative energies, and ways of being.

As you consider women’s counseling, you may wonder. . .

Is it really worth the time and money?

A recent client told me that our sessions have been the best investment she’s ever made in herself. If you want to get unstuck from your current situation and find greater emotional clarity, women’s counseling will be worth the investment. While your schedule may be crowded and hectic, the investment of attending therapy can assist you with knowing what is really important, prioritizing self-care, and setting yourself up for success long into the future.

What if I’ve never been to therapy before?

If this is your first time seeing a therapist, you may be afraid that you’ll somehow “do it wrong” or worry about not knowing what to expect. It’s important to know that there is no right or wrong way to approach our sessions. In my experience, even clients who walk in the door with no idea what they’ll talk about that day consistently arrive at valuable insights. There are no prerequisites to enter therapy other than a willingness to try.

I’m afraid of being judged.

I provide a safe, judgment-free environment. But it’s only natural to feel nervous when you first start therapy. I’ll help you face those fears and work through the pain of past judgments by teaching you to root more deeply in who you are. With time, you can learn to be more comfortable with judgment and even be empowered by it. I am honored that my past clients have shown me things about themselves they’ve never shared with anyone else. This level of trust takes time, but the freedom of expression that comes with it is extremely rewarding. 


Women’s Counseling Services

I believe that women are a powerful force for wisdom, compassion, and understanding—qualities we urgently need to cultivate in our families and communities. This world is in dire need of what magnificent women like you can offer. As a female therapist, I would consider it an honor and a privilege to help you uncover the confident, centered woman I know you can be.

If you’re ready to stop going through the motions and start living a rich, meaningful life, schedule your first women’s therapy session today. Or schedule a free, 30-minute consultation to help you find out whether counseling is a good option for you. For scheduling or questions, call or text (720) 984-9575 or email me at You can also click the button below to schedule online.

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